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Beware of Persona Bias (Bentley UXC Blog Post)

Creators of personas need to be conscientious of the potential elements that can be subject to bias and minimize this threat as much as possible. Maintaining an awareness of bias risk will enable development of more reliable personas to be utilized in strategizing and decision making.


Pre-attentive Processing: Making Sense of Visual Stimuli with Hotels.com

Humans move around in the world and perceive visual scenes that require the mind to make sense of different inputs, and there is a limited capacity to the human perceptual system. Designers must take these factors of pre-attentive processing into consideration when formatting information layouts to enable users to efficiently perceive the organization of information presented.

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Metacognition and Decision Making in Assessing Financial Options

Metacognition is higher order reasoning that oversees whether a cognitive goal has been met, regulating learning by planning and monitoring cognitive activities. These activities are engaged in daily tasks that are essential for survival, such as decision making, reading, and information search, and it is critical to tailor design for metacognitive capabilities to manage cognitive load and support experiences

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Working Memory and Emotion: Online Patient Portals

Working memory involves cognitive load, limited capacity, restricted time duration, high volatility, and emotions to consider in design. Designers of user interfaces, such as the online patient portal for Summit Medical Group, need to consider these aspects in the creation of their information displays to best match users’ inherent capabilities and enable proficient performance.